Who We Are

About TEO Consulting, LLC

TEO Consulting, LLC was founded in 2012 and is composed of James M. Burke, Ph.D. and Linda L. Pierce, MBA. They bring a background in clinical psychology (James) and finance (Linda) together to help organizations elevate performance in terms of people and processes. James and Linda have worked together for 15 years and have extensive experience in leading leadership and management retreats, facilitating strategic plans, engaging stakeholders, debriefing assessments, and providing many other consulting services. 

Several clients try to ascertain what “TEO” means and we played around with various acronyms. In truth, “Teo” was the nickname of one of James’ many dogs, a very smart rescue terrier named “Theo”. Linda and James are both animal people and enjoy the outdoors.


James Burke, Ph.D. and Linda Pierce, MBA, have years of experience working within the areas of education, government, non-profits, and private sector companies. They have particular strengths in strategic planning, organizational development, culture change, leadership growth, and enhancing visitor experience. Their integrative blend of organizational development, business, and psychology lead to services that address all aspects of change helping mission-focused people achieve shared goals to benefit the greater good.

With a background in clinical psychology, James specializes in working with leaders as coach and confidant. He is attuned to the importance of listening and attending to the needs of organizations and partnerships. He is an expert in the use of assessment tools to develop high-performing leaders, teams, and organizations and has consulted widely within universities and nonprofit organizations. James takes a sensitive approach to understanding culture in order to facilitate positive transitions to new business methods. 

Linda has worked in various sectors including manufacturing, government, higher education, and private consulting. She has managed the financial capital of organizations and led strategic and operational projects. Her extensive experience in public finance enables her to understand clients who are seeking to change their piece of the world within external constraints. Linda specializes in organizational transformation, building cultures that promote both operating efficiencies and the alignment of systems, people, and leadership. When not working with teams, Linda can be found connecting with nature by leading forest therapy walks and tending her garden. Linda is also a Certified Forest Therapy guide.

TEO has a network of part-time associates and administrative assistants who complement the team. Together they blend their expertise to create a unique offering that serves the needs of individuals and organizations alike.